MiniMail 1.4a (29.6.96) EmailWare (c) 1996 Pelle Claesson and Pontus Sjöström of TheEnd Amiga Thanks ====== THANKS to all of you who sent me feedback! It feels good to know that hard work is appreciated, and it sure encourages more work to be done... :) Quick start =========== 1) Rename "minimail.configex" as "minimail.config" *AFTER EDITING IT*. 2) If you want to, create "minimail.signature" to contain your default signature. 3) Run "MiniMail". Please report strange behaviour to, *after* consulting the manual. Changes 1.4 -> 1.4a =================== Changes 1.4 -> 1.4a: · After a few hours of code-bashing, wordwrapping has finally been added. This was the most wanted feature, along with a GUI for aliases... :) · MIME encoding is no longer applied to outgoing mails that don't need it. /Ken de Veaux · The SMTP client now works even if the HOSTNAME envvar is not available. · Major source cleanups and optimizations in the MIME generation code. · Fatal bug fixed: to:, cc: and bcc: fields longer than 1024 chars no longer crashes the computer. · From:, to:, cc: and bcc: field parser updated. Should no longer display "Ulf Ulfsson),Urk Urksson),Arne Arnesson" instead of "Ulf Ulfsson, Urk Urksson, Arne Arnesson" in the header section. · Unreplied flag no longer cleared when forwarding a mail /Ein · When failing to open the file to MIME-decode-to, an error is now displayed /Ein Changes 1.3 -> 1.4 ================== · MiniMail now restarts when the config is changed /Grypas · You can now use MiniMail as an external mailer within browsers. Just send the emailaddress you want to send mail to as an @{" argument " link usagearg} · Another fatal(?) bug fixed; Cc and Bcc now works · Removed two fatal bugs that caused crashes on kick 2.0 · Should now work with MLink and AmiTCP 3.0 /several · MiniMail is now signed with PGP (the .sig files) to ensure 100% integrity · textfile and tempfile configtempfile} added /Erik Johansson · defsaved and defdecoded added /Jaden · Its (finally) possible to turn off autoival. · The header is now displayed with a blue background (instead of the italics) · (±0000) is no longer visible in the Date: header · An unsent email will no longer be marked as sent when you mark it as unimportant using the keyboard /Stefan Wegener · Its now possible to scroll the list and inside a mail with spacebar and alt+cursorkeys /Erik Johansson, Ein · Changed the name of the signature file to MiniMail.signature because of the PGP .sig files (MiniMail will still check for Minimail.sig and include it, if it contains no binary code) /Ein · Max subject length now set to 512 characters /Erik Johansson · Max length of the To, Cc, Bcc, From and Sender fields now set to 4000 characters · Removed the annoying use of the TZ environment variable /several · Netwindow is enlarged by default /Russel Stapleton · When the window is open and in list mode, it will scroll down as new mail arrives · An out of memory condition while optimizing will no longer cause crashes · German (Christian Bednarek) and Italian (Francesco Leoni) catalogs included · Updated the quoter to quote "part"s too · The correct errorcode (instead of 0) is now shown when a host lookup fails · Fixed correct bevelling of the separator-bar · Dist and doc is now handled by Pontus Sjöström of TheEnd Amiga Changes 1.2a -> 1.3 =================== (copied from's history section) · Saved/ and Decoded/ directories included in archive /Colin F. Thompson · Password now asked for at first getmail attempt, if not in config /Stefan Wegener · The user database has been renamed, and is now known as the "alias list" /Scott McMahan · The standard output is now redirected, to ensure that error msgs will be visible · Rewrites of some slow/bulky code, and some unused code has been commented out · Now gives returncode 10 if startup fails · Now doesn't get mail on startup, if no autoival was specified /Erik Johansson · Signature separator bars added · MIME part-texts are now quoted too · Colons are no longer assumed to be quote chars · Should now work on OS 2.04 (couldn't live without locale.library) /Leo Anderson · META characters (å, ä, ö and so on) are now allowed in *all* fields /several · META characters correctly parsed when viewing a mail · Finally: Correct scrolling in listviews! /A340+Gavin Hamill · Many speed optimizations, for example when loading a mail from list mode · Save To Disk now works from lists mode even if no mail is loaded · The hotkey for "Hdr" now flips the correct gadget /Gavin Hamill · Now clipping long maillines correctly when highlighting /Gavin Hamill · No longer linking with Amiga.lib · All source recompiled with full optimization Changes 1.2 -> 1.2a =================== (copied from's history section) · Support for charsets added /Harry J. Miktarian · The version number in the X-Mailer field has been fixed (was 1.1 on 1.2) · Minor fix in the "user database" handling (had problems with spaces) Files in this archive ===================== ReadMe.txt This file MiniMail MiniMail itself MiniMail icon AmigaGuide documentation AmigaGuide documentation icon MiniMail.configex Sample configuration file MWBicons.lha MWB Icons Catalogs/ Locale catalog files Translation/ Locale translation files File_ID.DIZ Standard file dizcription By the way, if you have icons that look better than the ones included here; please send them to me! -- ¸¸ (oo) Pelle Claesson | Pontus Sjöström - dist., doc. & questions \/ |